violette skies

the places i've been this summer: nw new jersey, southern connecticut, new hampshire, queens ...these are the gritty views of my free days in the sun. taken with my cheap boostmobile smartphone. 5 megapixels worked for me just fine when i just started getting into photography and its still working for me. i work part time at a rental house where i talk about gear for 25 hours a week. by the time i get to shooting, i'm so suffocated by pixel jargon that i don't even like pictures anymore. more and more it matters less and less what you use to make images. for me, my phone has become a replacement to my 35mm point and shoot, which for the last two years has been my reset button.this is my endless roll of superia 400.


stuff i like: ladies night in the 40's


Morbido Angel // at BB Kings