Tiger Flowers, End It, Meek Is Murder, Villipend
It's been a while since I've hung out at my second home, Lit Lounge. Curran's Precious Metal nights get better and better. And every Monday that I'm not at Lit, as I'm laying in bed at 9:30pm, I live in total regret. But, it wouldn't be a summer without a Tiger Flowers show so I sucked it up and stood out passed my bedtime on August 20, 2012.Right as Tiger Flowers were about to go on Zeena played a song from Will's (Gomez, bassist) first band ever. Frontman Jesse Madre couldn't help himself. "Will Gomez. He's never punched anyone in the face but he fucking wrote a song about it." There were many more moments like that, where I laughed so hard I might have actually peed myself.Thanks for the laughs, hugs and for catching me so I wouldn't go to work with a cracked ankle.End ItMeek Is Murder
Tiger Flowers