Play it Again & Again
I'm not really a reviews person. I don't read too many album reviews. I never really liked them, from the overly-stylistic magazine blurbs to the lengthy blog posts. I discover new music by going to shows and watching bands. The following bands are some of my favorites, ever. I first saw them play at Lit and never forgot those shows.
Tiger Flowers
04.20.2009This is the most obvious (if you frequent my blog). I have an ongoing bromance with Tiger Flowers. It started in 2009. They played a show with Karma To Burn and Mabus. Since then I have written about them as much as I could (especially when I was frequenting AOL). I see them as much as I can (including just two weeks ago). There is a reason. This band is deep.Minutes before they start Jesse is telling absurd dick jokes. Behind him, there is a lot of concentration. It is, ironically, just like you're about to watch a boxing match. The anticipation gets built up. Something great will happen. Somone is going to get knocked out. And then these terrific riffs start playing. And then Jesse starts hitting himself. And you get that feeling you had when you heard Damaged for the first time.
Humanity Falls
12.08.2009There was a time when I would go to shows at least 5 times a week. And at those shows I would run into Eston or Ammo. I would see them giving people flyers and giving most people headaches: come check out our next show, check out our demo, check out our myspace. Humanity Falls this. Humanity Falls that. They were kids. They were young as hell, even though they are just a couple years younger than me. They were as annoying as they could be funny. And then one day, I actually got my ass out of bed and went to see them at Lit. It was one of the most fulfilling performances I've ever witnessed. I laughed so hard my cheeks hurt for hours. But, not only were they funny, they were fucking brutal.Eston is one of the single greatest vocalists to come out of the NYC metal scene. He is full of conviction. For instance, you are not at a great metal show if you are not scared for your life. Sure, you may be having fun, but if you're not scared then nothing GREAT is happening. Eston will horrify you (see him in Salo). Ammo is equally insane, you can watch him play in Andromorpheous Rexalia and Animals Killing People.
Chris hugging Eston & Ammo pointing and laughing
02.07.2011Similar to Tiger Flowers, Vilipend is a metallic hardcore band. At least once a year, they leave Canada and play our town. There is nothing that speciall about Vilipend on the surface. But, after watching them at Lit a couple years ago, I was convinced. They are simply striking. It's really hard for me to articulate the best attributes of Vilipend. Perhaps its just a deep psychic connection. But there's definitely something really special here because I can't stop playing 'Inamorata'.
04.05.2010I've only seen Mortals once. Ever since, I've tried to see them again and have totally failed. I've fucked up in some really stupid ways too. I was outside talking shit and didn't realize I was missing their set. I went to a different show that was not worth even remembering. Still, it's only been a few years since the night I walked into Lit and had my panties blown off. I saw the light: Mortals. I am patiently waiting for them to become Metallica-level legendary. It will happen.
Honorable Mentions + great shows I will never forget
Dark Castle (right: Josh of Bloody Panda)09.07.2009Landmine Marathon (Yasin, Fred, Cosmo, Chris, Grace)04.13.2009
Seizure Crypt04.13.2009
The_Network (This is a band I had wanted to see for a long time and they totally delivered. Guest vocals from Smash.)10.13.2009
+ Unmen. Sea of Bones. My America. Edifice. Neurectomy. Three Faces of Eve. Malkuth. Khann. Easter. Gods and Queens. +