Bugs The Bunny

Two weeks ago I got the most exciting email ever: Austerity Program was going to play a show. While the rest of the world was standing in a parking lot in Baltimore while Venom played or crowd surfing at St Vitus for Converge, I was at Don Pedro's eagerly waiting for one of the best bands in the world to set up their drummer. And it was worth the wait, the Lincoln Tunnel toll, the $2 cup of gingerale and being sick at a bar instead of sick in bed. They played mostly new songs, which means we will soon have another EP or full album or a single's tape with 4 remixes of the same song or some downloadable collection of songs. ANYWAYS, thank you Justin and Thad for being such badasses!NonagonNonagonNonagonNonagonNonagonThe Austerity ProgramThe Austerity ProgramThe Austerity ProgramThe Austerity ProgramThe Austerity ProgramThe Austerity ProgramThe Austerity ProgramThe Austerity ProgramThe Austerity ProgramThe Austerity Program


Cellular Chaos at DBA May 2013


winter to spring 2013